Volunteer Position Search
- Gain invaluable experience
- Help out your local organisations
- Explore your passion
- Post projects you need help with
- Get volunteers who are eager to help
Student Volunteers is a non-profit organization helping high schools to connect with various companies and offices for volunteer opportunities.
As a high school student, I believe that the best way to know about any profession that you want to pursue or explore your passion is by getting practical experience in that field. But unfortunately, I realized how hard it was to find opportunities for high school students younger than 18 yrs. To make matters worse, the pandemic with COVID-19 closed the doors of all big establishments on us.
This initiative was started to bridge the gap between students and work places. Students over 15 yrs. of age, who are looking for opportunities can get in touch with places of work looking for volunteer help. On the other hand, establishments would love to get the help of hard working students who are motivated to learn and use them in future if they really liked the student making it a win-win situation for both.
My goal with this website is to encourage high schoolers to reach out for these opportunities and make the best of their time while helping the community by volunteering in a place which could be a future profession, play of passion, new exploration, getting a command on previous experience or just for fun, the reason are endless. This website also allows high school students to volunteer with limited hours they have due to the academic load at school. You may choose what you are comfortable with or what is available to you (e.g. evening hours, weekend, summers, etc.)

To use this website, please register yourself and add the basic information which is needed by the companies as well as volunteers to find the perfect fit.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me: takemyhelp21@gmail.comÂ